Let's talk turkey! Recycle your fryer oil for free.

November 20, 2018 at 2:37 pm

Are you deep frying a turkey this Thanksgiving? Don't pour all that fryer oil down the drain - recycle it for FREE instead! Oil and grease rinsed down the drain can congeal and block pipes, causing sewer back-ups into your home or overflow into the street. That's the last thing you want to worry about on Thanksgiving Day.

Take your used fryer oil to Mesa's new Household Hazardous Materials Facility at 2412 N. Center Street, Bldg. #2, Wednesday - Saturday, from 7 a.m. to noon (closed on City holidays). The facility is open year-round to Mesa residents only. Business and industrial waste is strictly prohibited and will not be accepted. Upon arrival at the facility, guests must show proof of Mesa residency such as a driver's license with Mesa address OR a current utility bill or rent receipt with a Mesa address and a photo I.D. with matching name.

For more information about oil recycling, visit www.mesarecycles.org, or contact hhm.info@mesaaz.gov or (480) 644-4463.

Water Resources Department
Contact: Kathy Macdonald
Tel. (480) 644-4364

Environmental Management and Sustainability
Contact: Mariano Reyes
Tel. (480) 644-5005